Number TWO in the Hood, G!

Yesterday after I got off work I hit the Y. Luckily I got there early enough to change the tv away from BET (which it is perpetually set to). I always listen to the ole Ipod while I'm on the treadmill, so I usually opt for one of the news channels that have enough scrolling and otherwise graphic info that listening is not imperative.
Yesterday, I stopped on MSNBC and there appeared to be some sort of "BREAKING NEWS!" going on. Of course, previous experience has taught me that what a news channel considers "BREAKING NEWS!" is seldom worthy of yanking out the earbuds. So, I just kept on going, glancing up only occasionally to check out what was going on. Really, it was only random words that registered in my head. Boston, bomb, terrorist plot... It was only later yesterday evening that I learned it was all complete overreaction to guerilla marketing for the upcoming Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie.
Yeah, it's pretty lame. You'd think that someone... anyone at the Boston police department would have had the wherewithall to say, "Hey, guys. Maybe we should at least give this thing a little look-see before we call out the bomb squad, S.W.A.T. team, k-9 units, and the remote controlled bomb-detonating robot." If they had actually looked at these things (and I'm not talking about poking around at them, either... I'm just talking about opening your eyes!), they would have most likely come to the conclusion that Christmas lights and Duracells generally aren't considered components in a WMD.
I mean, I understand that Boston is probably harboring a lot of guilt. You know... two of the three 9/11 jets took off from Logan. Plus, they've recently begun dropping massive concrete slabs on top of their own citizens, but there is such a thing as being cautious to the point of absurdity. And that is exactly what happened yesterday on national television. Check out the local coverage of it, here.
Anyway, I'm a pretty big fan of ATHF. The first two seasons, anyway, but I'm a little leery of a film version. Early word from folks who have seen it is that it pretty much sucks. I mean, they're stretching an eleven minute show out to an hour and a half. What could possibly go... right? I must admit though, the trailer almost has me excited for it. Almost. You can see it, here.
posted by Steve at
3:49 PM

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