Mars Ain't the Kind of Place to Raise a Kid!

Yup, it really has been a long, long time. I've been pretty busy lately with work. I spent the preceding week teaching a "Mission to Mars" unit to the fifth graders at school. With only a week and a half to build the unit from scratch, I had little time for anything else. All in all, I think it went off pretty well. As a literacy specialist, I have little call to create lessons that focus on science and math, but I got to try my hand at it for this little unit... with mixed results.
Needless to say, I haven't had much opportunity to get out and watch many movies or DVDs. In fact, I've got the video store hounding me to return Tideland and 11:14 which are spectacularly overdue and... as of this moment... still unwatched. Not to mention that there's a couple of movies still on at the theaters that I'd like to see (namely, 300 and Black Snake Moan). But hopefully now that I'm officially on Spring Break I'll get a chance to catch up on my movie watching.
One thing that I got waiting in the wings is a review of the 1990 horror/sci-fi film, Mindwarp starring Bruce Campbell and Angus Scrimm. I fired off an email to the folks at the Reel Horror Podcast mentioning that movie, they read it on the show (check out episode #74, you can listen right on the site) and out of the sheer goodness of their heart they sent a copy of the movie to me. For free. So, I figured that at the very least I should send them a review of the film for their show and after they have included it in an episode I will be posting it here.
As for what exactly the rest of my ten days of freedom will produce... you'll just have to wait and see.
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posted by Steve at
1:35 PM

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