THE GRUB REPORT: Friday Night Mega-Bites: Slashfood
We're not even a week into our blogging experience and I'm already giddy about the awesome little gastro-centric community I see forming. I can't wait to sink my teeth into tantalizing recipes offered up, and my list of interesting ingredients to feature has nearly doubled. Bill Lewis is right. We could all use a little culinary diversity, and the best way to get that is by peeking at what others are doing in their kitchens. And with all these new friends, the possibilities are just about endless. Isn't technology great?
Speaking of food and the Internet, every Friday I'll be offering up a little food-related linkage for you to check out. It could be a blog or a podcast. It may range from the silly to the sublime. But it will always be offered up with the aim of perpetuating and expanding our culinary conversation.
This week's Friday Night Mega-Bite: Slashfood
Inspired by the tech news site Slashdot, Slashfood offers up a bevy of user-submitted links and articles focusing on food trends, recipes and news. The sheer volume of information available is astounding, and their bloggers really know their stuff.
One caveat: Be sure to set aside a bit of time to check out the site. Fifteen minutes can turn into two hours pretty quickly when you start clicking around on some of their more interesting posts. A quick perusal tonight turned up articles on maple bacon cupcakes, Donald Trump Steaks and horse meat hot dogs.
Originally posted to The Grub Report by Steve Gibson on May 25, 2007 10:05 PM
Labels: food, grubreport, mega-bite
posted by Tricia at
12:15 PM

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