THE GRUB REPORT: Friday Night Mega-Bite: Baking Bites
I'm getting back into this regular blogging thing rather slowly, I know. Forgive me.
But I have found another interesting food blog to feature this week in the Friday Night Mega-Bite: Baking Bites.
One recent post centers around a Consumer Reports review of frozen pies. (I know what you're thinking: "Gasp! Frozen pies? I would never serve frozen pies!" Well, I would. Don't get me wrong. Homemade pies are scrumptious and can be fabulously impressive. But sometimes, especially around the holidays, a full homemade menu just gets too overwhelming. And in times like those, this review would come in pretty handy!)
But I do have to say, if I were going to serve a frozen pie, it wouldn't be apple. Apple pies are so simple to make! Especially if you use a storebought crust. (I know, I know, homemade's better.) And a streusel topping is pretty basic, too.
My preferred frozen pies? Wick's. Perhaps Consumer Reports hasn't heard of this regional favorite. But their sugar cream pies are to die for. (A coworker recently was telling me how a family member's version was far superior. But then we both agreed that the recipe is so touchy, that when you're in a pinch or in a rush, Wick's -- which is based in Winchester, Ind., by the way! -- can't be beat.)
They also make a pretty tasty pecan pie, although variations like bourbon pecan pie or chocolate pecan pie can be pretty amazing and worth making at home.
What are your favorite holiday pies? Have any recipes you'd like to share?
Perhaps in coming weeks we'll share some of our favorites. I'm already excited for all the holiday goodness!
Originally posted to The Grub Report by Patricia Gibson on Published: Friday, November 7, 2008 1:14 AM ESTLabels: food, grubreport, mega-bite
posted by Tricia at
4:17 AM

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